Our solutions are rooted in the three evidence-based fields of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion.

Three Proactive Fields that Have a Positive Impact on College
Student Mental Health

Positive Psychology

The application of psychological
research on human flourishing
and optimal functioning to help
humans lead an engaged,
meaningful, and fulfilling life.


Purposeful, nonjudgmental attentiveness to the present moment in oneself and in the external world.


The capacity to forgive, encourage, and motivate oneself when struggling with feelings of personal failure or inadequacy.

Please click here for the citations referenced above. For more in-depth research on the benefits of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, and Self Compassion on college student mental health, please click here.


Integrated delivery opportunities for practical application, experiential learning, and personal development within and outside of the classroom.

Proactively Building Mental Wellness

Proactively Building Mental Wellness on college campuses refers to taking intentional and anticipatory actions to enhance and maintain the mental well-being of students.


Through the implementation of U-Thrive, students will
be equipped with the knowledge, strategies, and skills to manage and move through everyday challenges they will face in college.

Campus-Wide Approach through Integrated Delivery

U-Thrive Educational Services provides solutions that enable universities to implement a campus-wide approach to support student mental and emotional well-being. Our curricular and co-curricular solutions are designed to meet students in the spaces and places they already are.


By taking this integrated approach, we hope to expose students to proactive mental and emotional wellness skills at multiple touch points throughout their college journey. These skills serve as valuable tools, easily accessible when they need them the most.

“We would not send divers into a deep ocean without an oxygen tank. How can we send out students throughout life without giving them the resiliency, cognitive behavioral skills, and coping mechanisms that we know are protective against mental health disorders and chronic disease?”

~ Bernadette Melnyk, Ph.D., Ohio State University College of Medicine
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