Blog Entry

3 Simple Tips to Increase Mindfulness in Daily Life During COVID

By Simone Figueroa, Co-Founder and President, U-Thrive Educational Services   Over the last decade the term Mindfulness has become a “buzzword” but what does it actually mean? According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, the father of mindfulness in the western world, mindfulness is “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” This definition is …

3 Simple Tips to Increase Mindfulness in Daily Life During COVID Read More »

How to Help College Students Overcome the “I’ll Be Happy When…” Syndrome

By Simone Figueroa, Co-Founder and President, U-Thrive Educational Services   When I was in college, “I’ll be happy when…” was my mantra: I’ll be happy when I get an “A” on that test, I’ll be happy when I’m in a romantic relationship, I’ll be happy when I land that summer internship. But each and every time …

How to Help College Students Overcome the “I’ll Be Happy When…” Syndrome Read More »

The Rise in College Student Mental Health Issues

By Simone Figueroa, Co-Founder and President, U-Thrive Educational Services   In the article Why Focusing on College Students’ Mental Health is a Must Do, Not a Nice to Do, I shared why it is imperative for higher education institutions to prioritize student mental health and offered solutions on how to proactively do so. However, it is also important …

The Rise in College Student Mental Health Issues Read More »

Why Focusing On College Students’ Mental Health is a Must Do, Not a Nice to Do

By Simone Figueroa, Co-Founder and President U-Thrive Educational Services   When I first went to college in 2009, I struggled. From the outside looking in, my life looked “perfect” and it appeared I was happy and thriving. I was getting straight “A”s, I had joined a sorority and made new friends, and my family back home …

Why Focusing On College Students’ Mental Health is a Must Do, Not a Nice to Do Read More »

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