Unlocking the Keys to Well-Being: An Experiential Learning Lab

Transitioning to college can be as daunting as it is exhilarating, presenting a unique set of challenges alongside academic and personal growth opportunities. Understanding the keys to well-being is essential for students to not only survive but thrive in this pivotal life chapter. In this 30-minute session, Dawn Bornheimer, VP of Campus Partnerships at U-Thrive Educational Services, will explore one definition of well-being and guide us through the PERMA Model. This model provides a framework for students to understand and actively participate in their well-being, recognizing the diverse experiences that contribute to their success and fulfillment. We will introduce an extension activity that will allow students to create an action plan for thriving.  By being proactive, we can help students be prepared for the inevitable challenges they will face and have strategies to support overcoming them.

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